BOTOX starting at $12/unit
Introduced beneath the skin’s surface, relaxing muscle activity that causes wrinkles. With squinting, smiling, and certain facial expressions, we cause muscle contraction. The repetitive muscle contraction causes wrinkles, frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. Results of Botox® start to work within 5-10 days and lasts 3-4 months.
DYSPORT starting at $4.8/unit
​DERMAL FILLERS starting at $400/syringe
North Valley Med Spa has a wide collection of superior aesthetic fillers and treatment products to treat your:
Tear Trough
starting at $500/tube
PRP is a treatment that uses the client’s own plasma component that contains stem cells and growth rich platelets.
Face- Accelerates the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin to provide overall skin rejuvenation.
KYBELLA starting at $1100/2vials
KYBELLA®, the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to permanently destroy fat cells under the chin.
When Kybella is injected, it permanently destroys the fat-cell walls and your chin fat disappears over 4-6 weeks.

How Much Do I Need?

High Frequency- $10
A machine that promotes elastin and collagen production, and increases oxygenation in the skin. This also uses a thermal current to help treat acne, fine lines and wrinkles and much more!
Dermaplaning- $30
This is a treatment to remove dead skin cells and the fine baby hairs of your face, which then smoothes your face for a brighter, beautiful complexion.
Microdermabrasion- $30
This device helps retexturize your skin, making the outer layer more even and smooth. This is good for treating light scarring, sun damage, stretch marks and discoloration.
Advanced Treatment Booster - $30
This helps boost the results of any given peel!